

What is Serve Day?

Our biggest Serve Day of the year is just around the corner and you’re invited to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our community! We’re participating in a MASSIVE collaboration of compassion with churches across the nation on Saturday, July 13th. On this special Serve Day, we’re coming together to show the love and kindness of God to our community in super practical ways. You can serve at one of five pop-up Dream Centers at our Baytown campus, Crosby campus, De Zevala Elementary School, Houston House of Hope or the Baytown Community Center. You can also serve at one of our dozens of other projects by mulching our community parks, painting local building, helping out with our food distribution, build wheelchair ramps and so MUCH MORE!


We exist to serve others by showing God’s love in practical ways through meeting the needs within our communities and spheres of influence. Simple acts of personal kindness can open hearts to the love of Jesus for both those being served and those serving. 


We want every person who is passionate about helping others to be able to experience the incredible fulfillment that comes with participating in a Serve Day at Faith Family. 

On the second Saturday of every month, our SERVE Team gives back to our community through a variety of outreach projects. To get involved, simply find a ministry project below and a leader will be in contact with you!

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Have questions about serving? Our team is here to help!

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